Saturday, January 21, 2012


     In gossip magazines, they invariably have a section called "They're Just Like You." In this section, they usually show random pictures of celebrities drinking coffee, getting in a cab, or looking at mirror with a frown on their face. They usually say something like, "OMG! Selena Gomez is in a rush, and she has to stop at a coffee shop to grab some coffee to go! They're just like YOU!" or, "OMG! Demi Lovato feels insecure about her looks! They're just like YOU!" It's just so unbearably stupid. Of course Selena Gomez is drinking coffee, she has to stay up all of the time to go to photo shoots, interviews, filming, and whatever else celebrities do. Of course Demi Lovato feels insecure, she has paparazzi like you taking pictures of her ALL THE TIME! If she doesn't look absolutely perfect, the magazines always pick apart whatever she's wearing or doing!
    The pressure we put on celebrities to be perfect nowadays is disgusting. No wonder Demi Lovato got an eating disorder! People who work at gossip magazines just spend all of they're time looking for minuscule things celebrities did wrong, and blow it out of proportion. How did they even get that job? It's not like they can write. It's all "LOL" and "OMG" and "Totally weird, right guys?" I honestly feel kind of sorry for Miley Cyrus and all of the bad hype she's been getting. She didn't do drugs, she didn't drink, she didn't do much wrong! She just showed some skin. OMG, SHE'S SUCH A SLUT! It's not like it's nothing you wouldn't see at the beach, anyways.
     There are some people who actually spend time writing essays or making videos about why they hate a certain celebrity. If you don't like them, DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THEM! DON'T WASTE TIME THINKING ABOUT THEM! IT'S NOT WORTH IT!* Seriously, look up I hate (insert celebrity) and you'll get about ONE MILLION RESULTS.
     Sorry for the mini rant.
     *some people might say that I am a hypocrite, but I believe that this is more going against hate than going for it, and the good outweighs the bad