Thursday, October 20, 2011

Utterly Bewildered

     Welcome to Utterly Bewildered. I'm Tali.
     If you visit my profile, you'll see that I already have a book blog. I've decided that having a book blog does not satisfy my need to share things I like with random people on the internet, so I've started Utterly Bewildered, my own, personal, blog. It will show anything that I find interesting, funny, inspirational,  amusing, bewildering (obviously) or slightly entertaining. Also, when you visit my profile, you will find a blog called "Feature Writing Class." If you click on it, you will find a post called "Feature Article." This is for school. Do not read it. I repeat, do not read it. I do this for your sake, as I have a feeling you will be bored out of your wits by it, or disgusted with my lack of journalism talent. Do. Not. Read. It. If you read it, I'll hire Dumbledore's Army to hunt you down with a spoon. 
     I may also post bits of writing on this blog, and ask your opinion (once I get actual readers, of which at this moment I have none) and possibly pictures. Possibly. If I can get my hands on a camera (which my parents won't let me touch, not sure why. I asked if I could use the camera once, and I got weird looks).
     As you have probably guessed, I'm still young. If you haven't guessed, then you should probably go back and read this post again. Go ahead, I'll wait. Almost done yet? No? You're a slow reader. What's that? You're done? Good. Do you get it now? I thought so.
     If this first post hasn't scared you away (I have a feeling it has), then happy reading!

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